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做真题,就在杰哥阅读主页 – HUGE®托福






新手必看托福阅读介绍托福阅读正确训练方法阅读策略全部题型介绍加试说明改善托福学习的十个习惯备考材料选择备考材料专业详细评测都叫托福真题,真题和真题有何区别?像人类研究癌细胞一样研究托福线上阅读营创作之路:5年专注,不计投入,只为更好我的教学之路突破瓶颈(14-23分必看)必备最有效练习指导!托福阅读的快与慢如何备考更系统瓶颈期原因与突破文章高效阅读法如何充分利用训练材料高手进阶(23分+必看)阅读高手终极进阶指南托福备考中最关键的三个问题!托福阅读稳定高分的关键:泛读与通读The Importance of Rereading​精读“三到”:凡尽心处,甚解卓然新概念对托福对启示常见问题解决方法阅读速度不够怎么办阅读时“瞻前顾后”“怎么办?错题再做一次就能对,下次还错怎么破?精读到底要多精?小结题不会应该蒙哪个给2022年托福考生的寄语背景知识介绍天文学背景希腊/罗马背景农业/游牧背景背景知识推荐读物托福阅读里的终极人生智慧学习心态与建议自学托福的八个成功要素如何消除学习焦虑互联网时代,究竟还该不该花钱参加培训?托福究竟学多久可出分?智商税:跟外教学托福/雅思考前心态急救指南



TPO73-56 阅读题(暂时关闭,如需要请点击冲分必备资料包)





TPO73How Effective Are Structural Plant Defenses?Writing HistoryStellar RemnantsTPO72Invading AlgaeThe Impact Origin of Lunar CratersCities and Kingdoms in Alexander’s EmpireTPO71Electrical Energy from the OceanMinoan PalacesThe Productivity of Wet Rice FarmingTPO70The Development of Chinese DynastiesNineteenth-Century Theories of Mountain Formation FunctionalismTPO69订阅全套Why Snakes Have Forked TonguesPacific EcosystemsAncient Southwestern CulturesTPO68订阅全套Salt and the Rise of VenicePredicting Volcanic EruptionsResearch into Aging and Extending Life SpanTPO67订阅全套Crop EngineeringHuman Activity and the Archaeological RecordTaxonomy of OrganismsTPO66订阅全套the actor and the audiencevisions of the landwhat is coralTPO65订阅全套the pit organs of snakesearly research on airpastoralism and agriculture in Iran TPO64订阅全套characteristics of Pterosaursauditory perception in infancythe development of complex societies in ancient MexicoTPO63订阅全套The Sumerians and Regional Interdependence Structure and Composition of Comets The Roman EmpireTPO62订阅全套Plant Adaptations to Cool Environments The Use of Jade and Bronze in China Is Perceptual Development an Innate or Socially Acquired Process? TPO61订阅全套Physical Properties of MineralsConditions When Life BeganGrasses of the PrairieTPO60Underground LifeThe Revolution of Cheap PrintEarth’ s CoreTPO59Building MaterialsDealing with Extreme ColdAncient Greek PotteryTPO58The Development of Instrumental MusicPinyon Pines and Pinyon JaysThe Rise of Classic Maya CivilizationTPO57Pests and Pesticides



套数真题1真题2真题31Newspaper in Western EuropeThe Plow and the Horse in Medieval EuropeMating Songs of Frogs2Economic Decline in Europe during the 14th CenturyHuman Impacts on BiogeographyConsolidated Industry in the United States3The Brain Size of Bottlenose DolphinsDomesticationModels of Egg Development4Population Revolution in Eighteenth-Century EuropeMexican Mural ArtEurope in the High Middle Ages5Gliding and SoaringPleistocene ExtinctionsThe Cambrian Explosion6Weak Electric Systems in FishFarming New England in Colonial TimesCave and Rock Art7Attempts at Determining Earth’s AgeThe Upper Paleolithic RevolutionTwo Kinds of Lizards8The Western Roman Empire in the Fifth CenturyFeatures of Tropical MammalsHoneybee Society9Individual Performance and the Presence of OthersThe Identification of the Genetic MaterialHow Birds Acquire Their Songs10Cereals and Legumes: A PartnershipAlaska and Bark BeetlesMotor Development in Children11Primitive and Advanced Termite SpeciesElements of LifeAgriculture in the Late Ottoman Empire12Mesopotamian and Egyptian Settlement PatternsExtinctions at the End of the CretaceousGondwana13Removing DamsOlmec ArtComets14Thermal StratificationLive PerformanceThe Geographical Distribution of Gilding Animals15Saving Soil and CroplandDetermining the Ages of the Planets and the UniverseCosts and Benefits of Dispersal16The Multiplier EffectReconstructing Ancient EnvironmentWater Supply in Venice17Vocalization in FrogsOrigins of the MegalithsSociality in Animals18Architectural Change in Eighth-Century JapanOrigin of the Solar SystemPlant and Animal Life of the Pacific Islands19The First EyesThe Origin of Earth’s AtmosphereThe Emergence of Civilization20Colonial America and the Navigation ActsMass Production: Method and ImpactArt and Culture of Pacific Northwest Communities21Memphis: United Egypt’s First CapitalSurface Fluids on Venus and EarthPopulation Growth in Nineteenth-Century Europe22Greek Sacred Groves and ParksThe Chaco PhenomenonDinosaurs and Parental Care23European Context of the Scientific RevolutionEarth’s Energy CycleThe Origins of Plant and Animal Domestication24Early life-forms and Earth’s AtmosphereBirdsongThe Role of Diapause




👉订阅ZT001-003文章讲解👉订阅ZT001-005文章讲解SetPASSAGE 1PASSAGE 2PASSAGE 3ZT001👉纯题目订阅👉文章讲解订阅Imitation in Monkeys and ApesGrain in Colonial North AmericaThe qualities of a good trout streamZT002👉纯题目订阅👉文章讲解订阅Cognitive Maps in AnimalsEarth’s Early HistoryDocumenting the IncasZT003👉纯题目订阅👉文章讲解订阅Communication- Bumblebees Versus HoneybeesCalcium and EggshellMeasuring Earthquake SizeZT004👉纯题目订阅👉文章讲解订阅Programming Computers to play gamesSuccession in Plant CommunitiesThe Birth of the Printing Press in EuropeZT005👉纯题目订阅👉文章讲解订阅The Famine of the Early Fourteenth Century in Northern EuropePersonality TraitsWhy did nonavian dinosaurs become extinct?ZT006👉纯题目订阅👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)Early CivilizationsMilankovitch Cycles and GlaciationLife on EuropaZT007👉纯题目订阅👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)Europe’s Sewage CrisisThe Age of Sailing in EuropeZT008👉纯题目订阅👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)Water Crisis in MesopotamiaThe Chaco PhenomenonZT009👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)The Professionalization of Painting in EuropeThe Formation of New SpeciesThe Royal Palace of Foumban第ZT010👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)Costs and Benefits of DispersalDay Length and Flowering PlantsDinosaurs and Parental CareZT011👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)Characteristics of Tropical Rain ForestsPollen Gathering by AnimalsEarly Domestication and AgricultureZT012👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)New Sources of Power for AgricultureIntroducing the Nile Perch in Lake VictoriaMesozoic Seed DispersalZT013👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)Chaco RoadsThe Vadose Zone and its StructurePterosaursZT014👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)Roots of the Western Sudanic EmpiresAmphibian Distribution and AbundanceThe Ability of Species to Become InvasiveZT015👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)Bird Songs and CallsNatufians and the Domestication of GrainHow Aquatic Insects Remain Unseen by PredatorsZT016👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)Can lo and Europa Support LifeSea Otters and KelpThe Greek RevivalZT017👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)Sequencing Ice AgesPollinationThe Faint Young Sun ParadoxZT018👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)Theories of Megafauna ExtinctionEarly AstronomyEvidence for Continental DriftZT019👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)Sexual Dimorphism in Lamprologus CallipterusPlant and Animal DomesticationThe Economics of Academic TenureZT020👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)Transport and American DevelopmentChondritesIncreasing Jellyfish PopulationZT021👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)Northwest Coast ArtExamining the Problem of BycatchChallenge of DendrochronologyZT022👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)The Agricultural RevolutionThe Nile River ValleyGlacier Flow and SurgingZT023👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)Defenses of the Eleodes BeetleEconomic ReasoningHabitable PlanetsZT024👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)Agriculture and ReligionAncient Map MakingIsolation and Diversification in the Tropical Rain ForestsZT025👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)European Cities and the Rise of CommerceTemperate Plant PhenologyA Mutualistic Fungus of Tall Fescue GrassZT026👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)Martian VolcanoesEarly Iron MetallurgyGuam and the Brown Tree SnakeZT027👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)Abandoning Hunting and GatheringNaturalism and Nature in ArtThe Process of DomesticationZT028👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)Species CompetitionThe River Nile in Ancient EgyptCotton Ginning and Interchangeable Parts: The Legacy of Eli WhitneyZT029👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)The Problem with MicroplasticsAmboseli National ParkIn the Darkest DepthsZT030👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)Early Chinese Silk ProductionHermit Crabs in Scall ShellThe K/T BoundaryZT031👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)MegalopolisOrigin of the Solar SystemThe port of MelakaZT032👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)Forest Management in the Blue MountainsJupiter’s Moon loThe Phenomenon of HypnosisZT033👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)The Solnhofen limestones and ArchaeopteryxThermoregulation in Marine MammalsDevelopment of Mass Transportation in the United StatesZT034👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)The Beginning of Planet FormationSurviving as a ConiferPhysiological Adaptations of TunaZT035👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)Art and PlaceArsenic-Eating Plants Recognizing Social Play in AnimalsZT036👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)Murals, Frescoes, and Easel PaintingsThe Eocene WarningArchitectural Change in Eighth-Century JapanZT037👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)Models of Egg DevelopmentContinental MotionThe Upper Paleolithic RevolutionZT038👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)Visual Arts and Artists in Western SocietyOrigins of the Deciduous ForestsThe First EyesZT039👉纯题目订阅(暂未开放)👉文章讲解订阅(暂未开放)Dynastic Egypt and the Nile RiverThe Baptistery of San GiovanniAncient Egyptian Writing



任务700核心词考前佛脚词900高级词day11-1001-1001-100day2101-200101-200101-200day3201-300201-300201-300day4301-400301-400301-400day5401-500401-500401-500day6501-600500-570501-600day7601-700601-700day8 701-800day9  801-900







【历史类】 人口55词 工业60词 商业123词 农业/游牧87词 国家183词

【生物类】 植物128词 动物179词 生态类32词









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